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Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Building boobs

So after being told that the waiting list was a year, and that I had plenty of fat to go around, I found myself stuck in a bit of a holding pattern again. I had to be referred to another surgeon for the reconstruction. And who knows how long that could take? The two surgeons I’d been recommended to see are both at different hospitals, so once the referral’s gone in, you just have to wait really.

But two weeks ago, on a Friday evening I got my first referral letter! Cue much excitement. Not with an appointment, but a number to call to make my own appointment. An appointment to suit me. How thoughtful! Pretty annoying to get it on a Friday evening when the office is closed til Monday though…

So on the Monday morning, I ring first thing, to be told that because they hadn’t heard from me since sending the letter at the end of last week they’d gone ahead and booked me an appointment anyway. Love this efficiency! And instead of waiting for a couple of months to see him, as I’d thought, I’m booked in for the following Monday at 9am. All this is looking not too shabby for me. And the other bonus is that I’ve heard from my boob twin – lovely Sal from the old days in the chemo suite. And she’s currently at home having just had a new boob courtesy of the surgeon that I’m just about to go and see! Tis fate I tell you.

And yesterday, I went and I met him and all is well with the world. Not only do I not have “more than enough for a double D”, I also fall into what they would refer to as the “thin” category, which put a right spring in my step. And not having enough fat didn’t seem to be a problem – there’ll be a bit of asymmetry (but seeing as I’ve lived life with a mini hand, I can handle that) and we can do an operation at a later stage to even things up. Heck, if it comes to it, I can shrink the other one to match.

But the best of the news is that the waiting list is 6-9 months, and in his words, he’d “like to get me done before the end of the year”. He didn’t even baulk when I said I’d like to be done before my birthday in November.


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