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Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Chemo 4

Two thirds of the way through the chemo  - tick! (I love a nice neat fraction!). Much quicker now I don’t have the ice cap, and much, much more comfortable. And, to access the portacath I have to lie down, so I have the added bonus of basically spending the morning in bed.

First things first, yesterday was my first day of herceptin. In a nutshell, that boosts my antibodies so they gang up and attack any remaining cancer cells, so chances are I could feel a bit flu-ey. It was a long old day as I had to stay in for 6 hours after the drip started in case I had any adverse reactions. Luckily, all well and other than a bit of an achey leg in bed last night, I've not had any problems. It has just begun to dawn on me that the herceptin is an IV once every three weeks for a year though, so the closer I get to the end of the chemo, the more I’m realizing there is still quite the slog ahead. That said, with the reduced side effects hopefully it shouldn’t impact on life too much (heaven forbid the dinners and drinks should dry up...) and I should hopefully be able to get back to the grindstone proper once the radiotherapy is over in May.

Then today, with just one drug and no ice cap I was home with a cup of tea and Miss Marple on the telly by 2 o’clock. And the added bonus of my new personal wig stylist (Rachie – today’s chemo special guest), so between us we now know the wig can handle a plait, herringbone plait, variety of side ponies, some half up / half downs and all sorts of tied headscarf styles. Exciting!! (I appreciate this is not exactly boy territory…). And, let's be honest, it looks a darn sight better than Hitler / Terry Nutkins / some kid off Jackass with a skateboard. 

AND, the ultimate bonus… no sickness. Yet… Shares in ginger biscuits are due an imminent slump I’m afraid.

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